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Owning a cell phone means you need cell phone accessories

Everybody buy his cell phone accessories but people don't make his own cell phone accessories in this post i will show you how made some simple accessories :
Buying a cellphone means you need to also own cell phone accessories that keep your delicate little tech baby safe and guarded. The first things that can come to mind are probably examine cases that make it impossible for your cell phone to shatter out of nowhere and lightweight garnirs that actually work on-the-go. Those accessories :
Follow these steps to get own one :

Case for charging :

if you don't have a bottle you can use an old Jean pants

phone holder

Many times we complicate the existence at the time of charging the cell phone or when we want to read or watch a movie or video. And for that there is nothing better than a cell carrier. Do not worry about getting them because you can make them yourself. Check out this amazing easel. Your cell phone will look super original. 2. O

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